- April 4, 2018
- Posted by: root
- Category: Press

FORM A – PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT (Under regulation 6 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016] For the attention of the creditors of SAI INFOSYSTEM (INDIA) LTD.
1 Name of the corporate debtor SAI INFOSYSTEM (INDIA) LTD
2 Date of incorporation of corporate debtor 01.01.2003
3 Authority under which corporate debtor is incorporated) registered Registrar of Companies Ahmedabad (Guj.)
[It Corporate identity number/limited liability identification number of corporate debtor CIN – U30007GJ2003PLC041786
5 Address of the Regd. Office & Principal office (if any) of corporate debtor Regd. Office : SUPER PLAZA, SANDESH PRESS ROAD, P 0 BODAKDEV, VASTRAPUR, Ahmedabad – 380054 GUJARAT INDIA
I° Insolvency commencement date in respect of corporate debtor 30th November, 2017 (vide order dated 30th November, 2017 passed by Hon’ble NCLT, Ahmedabad Bench)
7 Estimated date of closure of Insolvency resolution Process 180 days from the Insolvency Commencement Date which is 28th May 2018
8 Name, address, email address and the registration number of the interim resolution professional Name : PARAG SHETH Address:404, Sachet II, Opp. GLS University, Maradia Plaza Lane, C.G. Road Ahmedabad – 380006. Email : paragsheth.ip© Registration No. IBBI / IPA-002 / IP-N00142 / 2017-18 / 10381
9 Last date for submission of claims 13th December, 2017
Notice is hereby given that the Hon’ble National Company Law Tribunal Ahmedabad has ordered the commencement of a corporate insolvency resolution process against the SAI INFOSYSTEM (INDIA) LTD on 30th November, 2017. The creditors of SAI INFOSYSTEM (INDIA) LTD, are hereby called upon to submit a proof of their claims on or before 13th December, 2017 to the interim resolution professional at the address mentioned against item 8. The finantal creditors shall submit their proof of claims by electronic means only. All others creditors may submit the proof of claims in person, by post oretectronic means. Submission of proof of claims should be made in accordance with Chapter IV of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016. The Proof of claims is to be submitted in the following specified forms -Form B – for Claims by operational creditors (See regulation 7) Form C – for Claims by f nanc[al creditors (See Regulation 8) Form D -for Claims by workmen and employees (See Regulation 9) Form E – for Claims by authorised representative of workmen & employees (See Regulation 9) Form F – for Claims by any other creditors not covered above (See Regulation 9A) Submssion of false or misleading proofs of claim shall attract penalties. Place:Ahmodabad PARAG SHETH Date : 1st December, 2017 (Interim Resolution Professional)